The 24/7 American Football School’s third camp took place on Saturday, 11/14/2015. With the kind support of the Hamburg Huskies, the camp was yet again an outstanding day with training for young athletes in American Football.
The weather was typical for Hamburg: lots and lots of rain. But still, all the participants as well as the coaches of the 24/7 AFS were highly motivated. And all the coaches and players experienced an instructive and exhausting day.
The participating players were a colorful mix during this camp: very experienced players and coaches, but also some rookies. Among them were some GFL players of the Hamburg Huskies, Kiel Baltic Hurricanes and also the Saarland Hurricanes.
Thanks to the Hamburg Huskies and their support, the camp could take place on the grounds of the Hamburg GFL team. This offered sufficient class rooms, changing rooms and training grounds for the 24/7 AFS.
As usual the camp started with a theory session with the head coaches of the 24/7 AFS, Martin Hanselmann and Andy Meyer. The defense has put their focus on cover 2 on this day, while the offense learnt how to break through cover 2. The different passing concepts were taught first on the white board by Martin Hanselmann before entering the artificial turf field of the Hamburg Huskies to apply what they had just learnt.
The coaches and the organizers of the 24/7 AFS were once again very happy with the performance and the will to be trained of all, the participating players and the coaches.
We would like to take the opportunity and thank the Hamburg Huskies for their support, especially Michael Berner, Patricia Plenikowski and Peter Plenikowski.
We thank our partners Doc-A-Sports, Agentur MMS and Sportmed24 for their support, without which the organization of this camp would not have been possible.